Latem Industries


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We believe we’re special! Not only because we have some truly terrific people on staff, ‘keepers’ that have been with us since day one, but one walk around our building and it’s easy to be impressed.


Why Coating with Plastico Industries is Different 


Plastico Industries occupies approximately 50% of our 80,000 sq ft building in Cambridge, the other half, is parent company Latem Industries. On our floor, we have several coating lines including a few carousels, used for dipping parts and a short hang line where we can both dip and spray. We also have a large paint line and a large plastisol dipping line.


What makes us special is #1, the products we offer, and #2, the fact that we have a full metal finishing, or prep, service right onsite in Latem Industries. To find out more on why point #2 is of benefit, please check out our Latem blogs found at Expanding on point #1, Plastico Industries distinguishes itself by being unique in the coatings we offer.


Aquence Coating is a black paint that will bond only to an iron substrate. It was developed by Henkel to service the automotive industry. To this day, automotive is still the primary beneficiary of Line 8, our Aquence (or A-Coat) line, but we do have a number of other partners in the furniture, heavy equipment, and agricultural industries. Compared regularly to E-Coat, an electrostatically charged topping, A-Coat is a wetting agent, and will therefore bond to all of the iron it touches. The takeaway for the customer is a more thorough coating both on the outside, and inside (if the product is tubular).  We also coat at lower temperatures, which allows us to coat assembled parts without attacking bushings or part movement.


Plastico Industries is the only commercial Aquence coating company in Ontario, which brings us back to being unique.


Nylon Coating is an extraordinary coating option. Sure, we may be a little biased, but we’ve seen the results.  Plastico Industries uses both Nylon 11 and Nylon 12, and both are powdered formulations, the bulk of which we apply through fluidized bed processes (note that we do offer a spray option as well). Nylon is a thin coating with a very low coefficient of friction, and known for being extremely durable. Bondable to many metals, the aesthetically pleasing finish has been known to withstand harsh chemicals, ultraviolet rays, and over 2000 hours of salt spray testing. 


Plastico Industries is just one of a small group of commercial coaters in the province offering this service. Considered by many (and, of course, ourselves), to be the experts, we move millions of parts monthly through our nylon processes.


Aside from the rarer availability of this coating, what sets us apart here is our ongoing willingness to try new things, and push this coating option to new heights.


Plastisol Coating is a PVC based top coat, that provides a ‘rubber-like’ finish to a product. A liquid topping, the metal pieces are hung from a rack, and dipped into the plastisol. Parts are usually primed first to ensure a stronger adherence, and then cured at varying temperatures, depending on the desired outcome of the coating. Plastisol delivers good thermal electric properties, as well as insulative properties and a good grip.

What makes us different is that we create our own plastisol. The formulations would be comparable, but we are able to cut out any middleman charges, and we can offer a near infinite amount of color options.


Our number of lines and coating options make Plastico Industries perhaps the most versatile plastisol coating company in Canada.


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Everything Parts Washing Shot Blasting and Peening Tumbling Vibratory Finishing Prevent Corrosion Aquence (A-coat) Nylon Dip or Spray Plastisol Dip News Ultrasonic Cleaning Finishing Compounds Burn-off Electrostatic Coating Centrifugal Finishing