Latem Industries


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What is Mass Finishing

Latem Industries is a mass metal finishing company, one of the best, and easily one of the largest in all of North America. It's a bold statement, but we are confident in its authenticity. We're celebrating 40 years of 'problem solving' in 2017.



We say problem solving, because essentially that is what we do, solve problems often found in the manufacturing industry. Rather than manufacture our own definition of mass finishing, we'll refer to Wikipedia..."Mass finishing is a group of manufacturing processes that allow large quantities of parts to be simultaneously finished. The goal to wash, burnish, deburr, clean, radius, de-flash, descale, remove rust, polish, brighten, surface harden, prepare parts for further finishing, or break off die cast runners."


We couldn't say it better ourselves, as we work to accomplish all of the above on a daily basis for hundreds of customers, from automotive manufacturers to smaller CNC and custom machine shops. Our processes are designed to handle massive volumes of parts in a single load, which means better efficiencies for our customers.


Tumbling and Vibratory Finishing

Our finishing techniques includes barrel tumbling and vibratory finishing, both of which require a cyclical movement to create an abrasive environment for the parts in the process. Depending on the desired outcome, either a part on part, or a part with media process is used. Other additives such as water, soaps and rust inhibitors are added in the process, and cycle times can vary from fifteen minutes to as much as five hours.


Shot Blasting and Peening

Latem Industries also performs both shot blasting and shot peening operations, a process by which minute particles of steel pebbles are thrown at a substrate, at incredibly high speeds. Blasting is used to remove rust, scale and other unwanted foreign materials, while Peening pounds the steel, making it stronger.


Parts Washing


Dirty parts are just another problem that Latem Industries offers solutions for. We use both a drum washing process and an ultrasonic bath to deliver cleaner parts. Whether it's dirt, oils, rust or even some greases, our equipment and our experience are more than up to the task.


In our business, achieving the right result is as much an art as it is a science. The random action within our processing requires constant supervision and interaction to ensure the target is achieved.


To find out more on how we can be of service to your manufacturing operation, simply visit our website at

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