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Taking Care of Business



What Does a Customer Mean to You?


The answer really is simple as no business can survive without them. Here are four simple tips that can make a difference in your retention level.


One... Practice What You Preach

We all get steamed when a business doesn't deliver on a promise. Large or small, most of us make plans around these commitments, so when they fail to deliver it can create a few wrinkles. If you want to keep your customers happy, do what you say you will do, when you say you will do it. It really is that simple.


Two... You Need to Have a 'Yes We Can' Attitude

We really need to have our most comfortable shoes at work so we can walk that extra mile for the customer should their request require it. Don't over-promise, but make sure the customer knows they are appreciated.


Three... Keep Your Customers in the Know

The second your customer feels their needs are not being met, you've lost them, and getting them back will be a much bigger battle than the initial win. Information adds tremendous value to your overall rating. The more informed your customer is, the more trust they have in you and the more likely you are to keep them coming back.


Four... Understand What Your Customers are Saying About You

We need feedback. Statistics suggest that 92% of buyers rely on word-of-mouth promotion when making a buying decision, and yet less than 70% of businesses are asking how they're doing. As much as we love the good stuff, it's the not-so-good feedback that makes us do better.


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