Latem Industries


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Shot Peening


Shot peening is a process by which a surface is continuously pounded with steel shot (other materials can also be used), with a force powerful enough to create a plastic like deformation. The main goal of shot peening is to produce compressive residual stresses, thereby strengthening a metal part.


Shot peening is very similar to shot blasting, except that it relies on the plasticity of the process as opposed to the abrasion.


Whereby shot blasting will remove unwanted contaminants from a metal substrate, shot peening is used to pound a metal part, 'leveling out' the peaks and valleys. The end result is similar to a ball peen hammer, yet much more consistent, and more efficient.


Latem Industries, in Cambridge, Ontario, is an industry leader in both shot peening and shot blasting, with multiple automated units, designed to process both small and significantly large volumes of product.

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