WW2 brought about some new uses for then-recent discoveries.  From atom bombs to mass production of penicillin (for use on soldiers), changes were afoot.  One of the items to become popular was plastisol. 



Plastisol, invented around 1910, was originally used as a cover for shock absorbers.  But due to the shortage of natural rubber during World War II, it started being used as a wire insulation material and a covering for many different items such as tool grips of cutters and pliers.  Now 60 years later, plastisol can be seen everywhere.

Plastisol is used in the medical field for tubing and nasal cannulas.  Plumbing taps, tubes, elbows and hangers are often dipped in plastisol.  Electrical wires and boxes are dipped in plastisol.  Many tools, from pliers, cutters, wrenches and even baby spoons are seen dipped in plastisol.  Automotive parts, marine parts, aerospace parts, farm equipment…the list goes on and on.


Plastisol coating is a combination of PVC in a plasticizer and stabilizer to make it into a thick, pliable liquid.    Flame retardants, colors, textures, antimicrobials, etc., can be added to enhance the product.  An item is then preheated, dipped in the plastisol and then cured.  Or it can be poured into a mold to make an outer coating, cap or plug.  Once cured, the coating is both sturdy and somewhat flexible.   


Plastisol coating is renowned for extreme corrosion resistance, but there is much more to it than that.  It is a tough coating, with a soft feel.  It can offer flame retardant ability and anti-microbial protection as well as electrical insulation.  Plastisol is often applied to components as a preventative measure to reduce wear or eliminate rattling.


At Latem Industries Limited, we make plastisol and apply plastisol.   Whether you need us to do the work, or you have your own equipment and are looking for a plastisol supplier, give us a try.