To most people, a media war means one newspaper against another, or it's newspaper vs radio. To us, it's quite a bit more in depth than that.
Media is a main ingredient in the majority of our processes at Latem Industries. Each of our vibratory bowls and tubs contains thousands of pounds of ceramic, plastic, cob or steel media. This selection allows us to remove small burrs and sharp edges, remove corrosion, burnish and/or polish a massive volume of parts at once. Our variety of media positions us well as we have the ability to tackle and solve many problems facing Ontario's manufacturers.
In our blasting department, we use a selection of steel ball media which is used to blast off heat treat scale, remove rust or to just remove surface impurities. We also use this steel shot to strengthen metal parts through our shot peening processes.
Latem Industries is proud to partner with Washington Mills Media, an American based media manufacturer, and one of the worlds largest producers of abrasives and fused mineral products. Unlike some other finishers, who prefer an off-shore product, our media gets the job done quicker, with a product that is designed to last longer.
It means not only ensured consistency with our incoming shipments of media, but more importantly a consistent finish for our customers, who simply do not have the time to re-work parts due to improper or poor processing.
See for yourself! Spend a little time on our website,, check our our gallery, or better yet, send us some samples. We'd be happy to run a few pcs through our processes and give you a first hand look at our capability.