Latem Industries


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Latem has had the pleasure of rubbing elbows with some of the most influential and interesting manufacturers in Ontario. While most represent the automotive industry, we’ve had the opportunity to step into quite a few different arenas, including that of our national pastime.


We Always Have Our Game Face On


One of our customers supports Canada’s game with an impressive line-up of hockey arena supplies and services. They’re an official supplier to some of the world’s premier hockey leagues, including the NHL and AHL. You’ll find their boards and arena supplies in many of the top ice rinks in North America.


For anyone with a fondness for the game, stepping inside their showroom makes you feel like a kid in a candy store. Almost makes you wanna lace up for the nearest big-league tryouts!




Taking Our Best Shot


We kicked off our relationship with this customer by providing shot blast services for their staple product: large, fabricated channels used to hold hockey boards in place. Shot blasting is a crucial step in furnishing a better surface for coating adhesion.


These pros already had a system in place (one that’s highly respected in the world of professional hockey), but they put their trust in Latem Industries to further enhance their product. That’s a bit of a feather in our cap!


The company also supplies professional goalie nets. Latem Industries has had the privilege of placing our stamp on quite a few nets, so to speak, by providing shot blasting as a preparation service before the nets are coated.


Always ready for a challenge, our team clearly stepped up to the plate (oops, wrong game!) and delivered winning results for a champion customer. We understood their expectations, took our best shot, and achieved a win-win for both teams.


Score Big With the Right Mass Finishing Service


We often talk about how Latem Industries is all about ‘putting out fires’ for our customers. And while that is a majority of our business, there are a number of instances where our services just make life better for clients. The one simple step we add at Latem makes for a much better product in the marketplace.


An abrasive blast process is all but mandatory before coating because it strips imperfections from the surface and creates a much cleaner substrate. This allows the protective coating to fully bond to the surface. Conversely, an improperly-prepared surface will often flake or peel early on, which is nothing less than an invitation for corrosion.


Shot blasting and peening is just one of many finishing services we provide. Our customers also call on us for ultrasonic cleaning and parts washing, barrel tumbling, deburring, and vibratory services. Everything we do here at Latem Industries is about supplying the perfect finish for our customers, and we can back up that claim not only by the volume of parts we see, but by the number of repeat customers.


We’ve been at this game for 40 years, and we continue to be highly motivated to provide solutions to the manufacturing process. Looking back at the parts we’ve seen and continue to see, it’s encouraging to know our solutions are the real deal.


Sure, we love the game of hockey as much as the next Canadian (some might question our patriotism if we didn’t!) But we’ll admit that part of the fun is watching the pros play in an arena that may have Latem’s finishing touch.


Pretty cool, eh?






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Everything Parts Washing Shot Blasting and Peening Tumbling Vibratory Finishing Prevent Corrosion Aquence (A-coat) Nylon Dip or Spray Plastisol Dip News Ultrasonic Cleaning Finishing Compounds Burn-off Electrostatic Coating Centrifugal Finishing