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For more than four decades, Ontario companies have used Plastico’s innovative metal coating technology for various applications. However, our plastisol line has allowed us to venture into new areas where our unique coating is proving to be equally important. Here are five of the Ontario industries making regular use of Plastico’s metal coating technologies.




Our largest client is Ontario’s automotive industry andwe process about 85% of the parts used in the province’s automotive manufacturing sector. That’s several million pieces each month! Even if you don’t own or service vehicles, you will still come into contact with parts we have run through our plant, including interior components such as latches, handles, and leavers. Our work also finds its way into other types of heavy machinery, including logging and farming equipment.



The comfort and humane treatment of animals is a concern for everyone. Plastico’s food grade plastisol coating contributes to this goal by providing a softer coating for the iron grate floors used in facilities housing pigs and chickens. It also does a better job of retaining heat, further adding to the creation of an environment that causes animals less stress.


Additionally, the coating lasts longer because the primer creates a very strong bond between the plastisol and the substrate. This makes the surface more resistant to the sort of wear commonly occurring when animals walk over flooring regularly. This property in the plastisol also makes clean-up worry free because the coating can easily withstand cleaning fluids and other chemicals.




Hospital equipment must meet certain safety standards to be suitable for use on patients, particularly with vulnerable groups, such as children. Plastico’s phthalate free plastisol makes it perfect for standard equipment such as defibrillator paddles and catheters, forceps,and tubing hubs.


Food Industry


As mentioned above, plastisol is food grade coating, which makes it ideal to provide extra protection for food industry equipment. We provide a durable, easy-to-clean finish for cutlery, trays, fryer baskets, seafood cages, and more.


Children’s Playground Equipment


If you have children, you know how rough they can be with things. This is not their fault; they are merely learning about how things work and expressing their joy. Don’t consider that toy ruined—consider it well loved.



Fortunately, makers of children’s playground equipment can provide a product kids enjoy that will also stand up to their wear and tear. Plastisol ensures vital components such as stairs and bases have the extra protection required for the equipment to stay in use for years on end. It also provides extra protection against the yearly ravages of the Canadian winter.


One thing we have learned after so many years in business is the need for versatility. Plastico is well known for its extensive work with Ontario’s automotive industry, but the usefulness of our coating technologies has allowed us to branch out into areas the company’s founders wouldn’t have considered back in 1977. Our aim is to continue being the forward-thinking innovators you can count on.

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