Latem Industries


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Failure is an Option


There are some cultures who celebrate their failures as much, and often more, than their successes. Failing should be seen as an opportunity to try again, and to do better. It builds character, as trying harder next time is like laying the foundation, or the first building block to eventual success. It also keeps us humble and should be a valuable reminder that true winning comes only with hard work.


In our business, we certainly don't strive to fail, but oftentimes our first kick at something does not produce the results we were hoping for. We have a number of processes that can be used to achieve similar results when it comes to finishing mass metal parts. Determining factors as to which process is most efficient usually comes through running samples prior to getting into regular production processing. Perhaps our biggest nemesis is the clock, as time is almost always critical to our customers.


This is where our production team steps in. Latem Industries has the benefit of knowledge on our side. Celebrating 40 years of mass metal finishing in 2017, we also boast a number of employees who have surpassed 20, 25 and even 30 years on our floor. This team has been running our wash, shot blasting/peening, vibratory and tumbling departments since the early 80's, a time when Trudeau Sr was running our country. Knowledge is power, and it is key to us determing quick solutions for our customers.


Sure, we still fail every once in a while, but we always have a Plan B and even Plan C to turn to.



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