Burnishing is a method of polishing and hardening the surface of a part. Latem Industries Limited burnishes parts through the process of ball burnishing. In this process, the part is brought into contact with steel balls. The harder burnishing balls run against the surface of the softer part, evening out microscopic peaks and valleys. This reduces the roughness average or RA, while hardening the surface and producing a shiny finish. While other processes can chip away at the surface, burnishing uses the tendency of metals to deform under stress. This process in known as cold flow. It results in a smooth texture and a shiny surface with superior strength.
Metals that are commonly burnished include brass, bronze, aluminum, stainless steel and copper. Burnishing is often used to finish automotive parts such as pistons and transmissions parts. It is also widely used in non-automotive parts such as plumbing fixtures and valves. Decorative parts as well as jewelry are often burnished for the high shine it generates.
As mentioned, burnishing does more than just polish and shine. By condensing the structure of the metal, it increased hardness. A burnished part can range from 50%-100% harder than an unfinished part. This also makes it more resistant to fatigue failure, as well as offering increased corrosion resistance. In addition to increasing the visual of the part, it can also remove small surface imperfections.
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