Why should you choose Plastico for your mass coating needs? Here’s what sets us apart from our competitors.
1. We're Into Mass Coatings
Plastico Industries is a professional coatings company. We use five lines to apply either a primer or a top coat finish, and offer everything from PVC to vinyl, nylon, aquence, dielectric, or dip coating. Our equipment is designed to work with a large volume of parts, moving millions of pieces through our processes each month. We do see some smaller volumes, with a minimum charge to offset the cost of set-up.
2. We Offer Full Pre-Coat Prep Services
Here in Ontario, Plastico may well be the only professional mass coatings supplier who can truly make this statement. We operate under the same roof as our parent company, Latem Industries, which specializes in shot blasting and peening, vibratory finishing, parts washing, and ultrasonic cleaning. Not every job requires these additional services, but the convenience of a single-source supplier remains a benefit to our customers.
3. We're a Preferred Supplier
We think being a preferred supplier gives us a bit of clout. After all, we earned this status through years of proving ourselves in the manufacturing world. Plastico got its start back in 1977 to service another family business: awards and trophies. Today, you can find our coatings in many of the vehicles we drive, on heavy logging and farming equipment, in your doctor or dentist’s office, and on high-end office equipment scattered across the world.
As a Tier 3 supplier, we’ve earned such a reputation that even original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) ask for us by name.
4. We Know Deadlines
It’s a question that comes up daily: “How quickly can you turn my parts around?” In this business, especially the automotive market, you don’t survive by holding onto parts. It’s that simple.
While it’s not only the ‘car guys’ who push for immediate delivery, this consistent demand from auto manufacturers has allowed us to refine our processing, improve efficiencies, and deliver on quick turnaround times for our customers.
5. We're Always Thinking Ahead
Plastico Industries has always been quick to react, but we think of ourselves as more proactive when it comes to managing our business. We got into the coatings business because we saw an opportunity in coatings that were not readily available elsewhere. We also felt it was the perfect complement to our already-successful mass finishing operation at Latem Industries.
One thing we refuse to do (at either Plastico or Latem) is sit back and give into complacency. We are forever looking forward, thinking about our next move. We’ve never backed down from a request to consider completely new processes, and when it’s the right fit, we’re not afraid to make the capital investments required.
BONUS Points
See? We always make sure you get your money’s worth, even when it comes to our blog! Here are a few bonus points.
One benefit common to both Plastico and Latem is that we always strive not only to do what we say, but to do it when we say we’ll do it. It’s a rule we learned early on and one we continue to live up to today.
We’re also not afraid to try new things. We take chances when the risk is minimalized and the potential reward is great. We fully understand the trust customers place in us and the value of the parts left in our hands. We would never jeopardize this.
What we will do, when required, is push ourselves, our coatings, and our metal coating technologies to the limit. We may not always succeed, but this drive allows us to reach new heights and improve efficiencies in existing processes.
That’s a bonus we can all benefit from.